Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thank you to my sister for the Barbeque Chicken Pizza Recipe! The first time I made it, I made my own dough, and we baked it in the oven. This time, we tried it on whole wheat pita bread & grilled them...They were sooo good!!! As you can tell from the picture, Jason added a little more bbq sauce to his, and I added a little extra chicken to mine;-) It calls for chicken, bacon, red onions, bbq sauce, cheese, & cilantro. Gracie doesn't like the bbq pizza, so I made her one with pizza sauce, turkey pepperoni, spinach, mushrooms & cheese! BBQ chicken is the first pizza we've found that she doesn't like! I think she would eat it everday if she was given the option.

Gracie Jane

This girl, this beautiful girl that God blessed us with. She continues to amaze me everyday (& frustrate me at times as well!). I've been writing in a journal; just little entrys with her age when she has a big accomplishment or does something funny that I don't want to forget. I wish I would've started it earlier (it starts at 18 months), but I have some really great things in there! One I haven't put in yet happened the other day. She had fallen off the barstool while trying to get down earlier in the day. When Jason came home, she decided to tell him about it. She walked into the office where he was on the computer and said, "Daddy, fall off barstool." Jason asked her, "How did you fall off of the barstool?" She hesitated, and then said, "Um, nothing Daddy. I fine." ;-) Oh, how I love to hear the sayings she comes up with! So beautiful & innocent!

I can't even believe that my babe will be 2 in less than a week! It has gone by unbelievably fast, & it makes me sad sometimes. I am so thankful that I've been able to be with her everyday & see all of the changes that she goes through truly on a daily basis;-) I've never wanted to be anything else other than a mommy, and it is a far greater gift than I ever could've imagined!

I could go on and on, but I'll leave it at that for now;-)